Monday 29 October 2012

My First Halloween

There was another festival I had experienced during my stay here in San Francisco - Halloween. A festival that had been celebrated long time ago and very famous in United States. The first history of Halloween celebration is from Europe, but then spread through out America. It was started as a religious celebration for Christians' day of "All Saint'" Day where people honoring the saints and praying for the recently departed who had yet to reach heaven (Wikipedia :

There are many stories about Halloween. Like my Instructor's version, he said that they celebrate Halloween to chase evil spirit away with evil too. So that's why many people wearing evil or scary costume in Halloween. Here I try to tell you my experience of celebrating Halloween.

It's not Halloween if we don't carve Pumpkin. Luckily Jenny (Indonesia) has a friend (Dan, from Romania) who has a car and they brought me, Rani (Indonesia) and Shehzadi (Pakistan) to see the Pumpkin farm and buy a Pumpkin to carve. We went to Half Moon Bay - a small city about one hour south from SF. We passed a Pacifica beach on our way so decided to enjoy the view. Pacifica is the largest beach in California and the most popular beginner surfing spot in San Francisco area.

Then we arrived at one of the Pumpkin farm in Half Moon Bay to buy our Pumpkin. It was a great experience knowing how do they sell the Pumpkin. It's not just a selling a Pumpkin. They made the farm as comfortable as possible for family to visit and stay there. They built a Labyrinth, a tour in the farm, and they designed the farm so good for us to stay. 

And now there is almost no praying celebration for Halloween again, they celebrate with a costume party. And in San Francisco, Castro is considered as the best spot to celebrate Halloween. I prefer in another part of San Francisco, because Castro is famous as a place for "rainbow" people. But since I didn't know if I could celebrate Halloween anymore, so I took that heavy burden and went to Castro with all the CCIP gang.

Yes it was fun when we were arrived at Castro Street. It was so crowded with people wore their costumes. After we took a walked wondering around the street, we saw more. We saw a guy who was wearing a without costume-costume (read: naked) and I was like holding my breath for a second and then "did you see that?" and all of us, we saw that and kind of making a wanna puke face, because I was not used to that kind of view in my country. The streets were full of people walking, talking, commenting someone else's costume, and lining to got in to the bar. 

Because we started to get bored just walking in the street and couldn't find a bar, we decided to go to Downtown. While we were taking a picture at the Union Square, some random guy in a Ninja costume suddenly posed with us and then the people who's just walked there took us a picture too. I felt we were kind of famous at that time. Downtown was not as crowded as Castro, but I prefer there because there more hot girls there, and the bars weren't so crowded, so we could enter one of them. The next couple hours we spent in the bar until over midnight. 

It was quite an experience that might never happen to me anymore. Enjoy everything you have here. Maybe it would be your last. But maybe I can come here again. Happy Halloween San Francisco

Saturday 20 October 2012

Dombamu Srigalaku

wahai wanita yang dulu berjalan di lorong gelap
yang langkahnya tegap walau hatinya menciut
taukah kamu aku masih bersama sang srigala
memberi makan selagi bisa
tapi taringnya semakin tajam
matanya semakin menerawang kesana
domba putih penuh pesona
yang akan dikejarnya
namun tak akan dimakannya
tapi kenapa?
karena dia berada di ladangmu
yang selalu kau sisir bulu halusnya
selalu bersih hidung dan matanya
rawatlah dombamu
dan srigalaku yang akan menjaganya dari jauh
tak akan pernah berubah
kecuali kita menjadi salah satunya

Sunday 14 October 2012

Little Hell

Time to back to be a writer.
Baru 3 bulan disini dan dunia telah membantingku keras-keras ke tanah
Merobek kelopak mata untuk membuatku melihat!
Memukul-mukul hatiku agar menjadi kokoh
Mengikatku dengan tali dan melemparku ke jurang
Memberi makan setan dan malaikat dalam diri
dan membiarkanku melihat mereka bertarung dan terkena serpihan-serpihan api
Musim gugur ini mau membawaku kemana?
Ketika Semi ada disana menunggu
Atap ini dipenuhi kabut dingin
Terlukis wajah rupawan di dalamnya
Maaf, tapi biarkan semua ini menjadi salahku
Tidak bisa membuatmu menjadi benar
Silakan berenang sekarang
Banyak ikan menunggumu dibalik karang
Mutiara dalam cangkang hijau
Dan ini dia malam
Aku tidak ingin ada malam
Dia akan menghisap semua sisa kesenangan
Menghabiskan energi dengan menjejalkan kenangan
Dibawah kekuasaan langit aku tidak bisa berkata-kata
Ingin mati sementara
Atau mencari nama yang lain
Saat fokusku selalu diganggu

Sunday 7 October 2012

Beautiful Sacred Wedding

What should I reach when I don't know whom I should fight
The night has taken my soul
I am a knight without a king to serve
My sword has been killing for nothing
I'm so weird that I couldn't understand myself
What I did with the water? and then I felt sleepy
God please help me
There are too many person in this body
I just want to be with me
Frozen my heart with your name inside
So no evil can melt it down to water
And then I would do that again
With the water, and I felt sleepy
Or think about something that even never think of me
or doesn't exist
Why I don't run away
Standing still here confronted by heart instead
Doing things that I find out not that amusing after
The sound of Eden
Is my new spirit
But a killer as well
In this gloomy month of Fall
I will sleep outside again
With an empty stomach